

How do I include signatures on Out of Office Replies?


Out of Office replies are not recognised as emails so will not pass through Crossware Mail Signature and have a signature applied by default. You can set up a signature for out of office replies in three steps: by creating a new transport rule in Microsoft 365, creating a new rule in Crossware Mail Signature and creating your signature.

Step 1 - Create a new Transport Rule in your Microsoft 365 Admin Center

1. Go to "Microsoft 365 Exchange Admin Center" > "Mail Flow" > "Rules"

2. Click the icon to create a new rule.

3. Click on More Options.

4. Give your new rule a Name.

5. From the "Apply this rule if..." drop-down menu, select "The message properties" then select "include the message type"

6. Select message type "Automatic Reply" then click "OK".

7. From the "Do the following" drop down list, select "Redirect the message to..." > "the following connector"

8. Select "CrosswareOutboundConnector" and click "OK".

9. Click on "add exception"

10. Under "Except if" click "add exception" and choose "A message header... includes any of these words"

11. Under *Enter text… type in x-cwesigprocessed and under *Enter words… type in "Y".

12. Select the checkbox "Stop processing more rules"

13. Scroll down to the "Match sender address in message" section and select "Envelope", then "Save".

14. Ensure that your new rule is enabled (checkbox below the ON heading ticked).

NOTE: It may take up to 45 minutes for the rule to take effect in Microsoft 365.

The next steps must be done within the Crossware Mail Signature Designer.

Step 2 - Create a new automated reply rule in Crossware Mail Signature

15. Go to "Signature Designer" > "Rules" > "Create new"

16. Your rule may vary depending on when you want to apply to your automatic reply email.

Here is an example of a basic rule:
Under name type “Automatic reply”

Add the condition IF Subject Contains Automatic Reply

Add any other conditions you would like.

17. Save your rule.

Step 3 - Create a new signature and apply your rule

18. Go to "Signatures" > "Create New" and name your signature "Automatic Reply".

19. Design your signature from scratch or copy the HTML of an existing signature and paste it into the HTML view of the signature editor.

20. Click on "Change next to Applies to", choose "Rule" and select your newly created rule from Step 15 then click the X.

21. Turn on your automatic out of office reply in Outlook, then send an email to your email address.

Your chosen signature should now be affixed to your out of office reply emails.
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