

We see messages coming from Crossware and then sit in a “deferred” state and pending delivery

Is a way to prevent it on these distribution groups, to allow mail to work correctly?

In the screen capture below details of a message trace:



Exchange Online mail servers do not accept email messages that do not specify a return path.


1. Open Windows PowerShell

2. Run the following PowerShell command:

$LiveCred = Get-Credential

PLEASE NOTE: If you have Multi factor Authentication Enabled you will need to set up PowerShell using this Article:

3. Run the following PowerShell command:
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session

4. The following PowerShell commands returns all the Distribution Groups where ReportToOriginatorEnabled is set to false
Get-DistributionGroup |Where-Object{($_.ReportToManagerEnabled -eq $FALSE) -AND ($_.ReportToOriginatorEnabled -eq $FALSE)}

5. For the Distribution Groups returned in the above list, which are used in Crossware Mail Signature.

Set the ReportToOriginatorEnabled to True. Below is the Powershell:
Set-DistributionGroup 'Name Of Distribution Group' -ReportToOriginatorEnabled $true

Example: Set-DistributionGroup -ReportToOriginatorEnabled $true

6. Verify the Change, by running the Powershell Command
Get-DistributionGroup 'Name Of DL' | fl ReportToOriginatorEnabled

Example: Get-DistributionGroup | fl ReportToOriginatorEnabled


Further Information

Related Products: CMS M365