

NOTE: The following steps will assist you with connecting your Microsoft 365 environment to Crossware Mail Signature.
You will need Administrator access to complete these tasks.

There are 3 main steps:

1. Create two groups in the Directory

2. Create two Exchange Online Connectors

3. Create one Exchange Online Transport Rule

Step 1 - Create Groups


Log into your Microsoft 365 Admin Portal using your Microsoft 365 login credentials. You can access this at

You will be creating two groups:

  • One of type Distribution List with the name CrosswareMailSignatureUsers

(Email for users in this group will be sent to Crossware Mail Signature for processing)

  • One of type Security with the name CrosswareMailSignatureAdmins

(Users in this group will be able to configure Crossware Mail Signature)

See the following screenshots

Create CrosswareMailSignatureUsers group

Create CrosswareMailSignatureAdmins group


Step 2 - Create Connectors


Log into your Microsoft 365 Exchange Admin Center using your Microsoft 365 login credentials. You can access this at

Click on mail flow in the left navigator then on connectors at the top

You will be creating two connectors:

  • One in bound connector called CrosswareInboundConnector


  • One out bound connector called CrosswareOutboundConnector

Create CrosswareInboundConnector

From: Your organization's email server
To: Microsoft 365

You need to enter the following text:

Connector Name: CrosswareInboundConnector
Certificate Name: *


NOTE: The inbound connector may need to be enabled by Microsoft's support team. If this is required, you will see the below message.

Create CrosswareOutboundConnector

From: Microsoft 365
To: Your organization's email server

You need to enter the following text:

Connector Name: CrosswareOutboundConnector

Enter the smarthost name for your region as per the below list:

  • (Copy and Paste one of these into the add smart host field)

Smart Host Details:

Australia K1:
Canada K1:
United States K1:
Europe K1:
Europe K2:
Europe K3:
United Arab Emirates K1:
Qatar K1:

Link to Crossware SPF records (if required): KA-01018 | Crossware Knowledge Base (

Click on the + to add the smart host name.

You need to enter the following text:

Certificate Name: *

Next you will need to validate the connection using an internal email address part of your Microsoft 365 environment.
Please note:
Validation can sometimes fail on the first attempt due to Microsoft processing delays - this is ok, and you can proceed with the remaining steps.
Simply retry the validation process later. 


Step 3 - Create Transport Rule


You will be creating one Transport Rule called CrosswareTransportRule

This transport rule will loop the email through Crossware Mail Signature for processing.

Enter the Rule Name: CrosswareTransportRule

Under *Apply this rule if.... select The sender is a member of... and select the group CrosswareMailSignatureUsers (as created in previous steps)

Under *Do the following... select Redirect the message to... and then the following connector.

Select the Connector CrosswareOutboundConnector (as created in previous steps)

Under Except if... select A message header... > includes any of these words

Next click on *Enter text... and enter the following text in the specify header name box:
x-cwesigprocessed (Please enter this exactly as shown)

Then click on *Enter words... and enter the following text the specify word or phrase box:
(Please enter this exactly as shown)

The screen should now look like the following:

Ensure Match sender address in message: is set to Envelope 

Click Save

Congratulations! You have completed your setup.

You can now log back into the Crossware Mail Signature Portal to configure your email Signatures

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