
There are several built-in lookups within Crossware Mail Signature, some are dependant on formatting, some are for common functions.

To use them, edit the signature configuration document, click on Insert Lookup and select from the list of available lookups.


NOTE: These lookups are built into the application so they are not visible in the view of supplied lookups.


Built in Lookups


The following lookups are available:


This look-up will add a carriage return at the location of the lookup.

  • text/plain - will add ascii 10 and 13
  • text/html - will add <br>
  • Rich Text - will add ascii 10 and 13 (NOTE: these are automatically converted back to ASCII 0 for Notes)



  • text/plain - will add a normal space
  • text/html - will add &nbsp
  • Rich Text - will add a normal space



This lookup is designed to be used in other lookups. It will return a number which you can then use to determine how you will display data.

  • text/plain - 2
  • text/html - 1
  • Rich Text - 0



This lookup is designed to be used in other look-ups. It will return the first element of the FullName field in the Person document of the sender. The sender is determined from the Principal/ From field.

See the example below, where (!format!) is used to set a new line value depending on the format returned.

NOTE: this example returns a string which can be used within a formula as opposed to the (!crlf!) lookup which returns the actual carriage return

@If('(!format!)' = '0';'@Newline';'(!format!)' = '1';'\'<br>\'';'(!format!)'='2';'@Newline';'');

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