
This error occurs when formula references a (!Lookup!) but Crossware Mail Signature is unable to find it in the CommandLookup view.

The potential reasons for this error could be:

  • the look-up does not exist, i.e. the look-up document may have been renamed or deleted
  • there was a problem opening the CommandLookup view, the view collection or opening the document.

In Version 3.08 and below any errors that occurred during the finding and opening of the look-up document were only logged when debugging was enabled.

You should check the server's log.nsf for additional information.


Mail Signature: RUNLOOKUPCOMMAND-CommandDocFound-Open Doc FAILED.: Mail Signature: RUNLOOKUPCOMMAND-Command NOT FOUND.: Mail Signature: RUNLOOKUPCOMMAND-Lookup View Opened FAILED.:

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