
Address Book Updater

What it does

An email is sent to each person in the address book, asking them to update their details. The data is updated in the NAB Updater database, and it then allows an [Admin] user to import that data into the Address Book.

To achieve this, the database performs the following steps:

  • It imports the person documents from the Address Book, so that each person has a document in this database
  • They are emailed a button to click, which opens this database
  • On opening the database, the user is prompted with their person document in this database, for them to update.
  • The database closes when they save their details.
  • Once all users have updated their details, you can run the Update to transfer the data to the Address Book.

Instructions for the Admin User

  • Before you start, change the ACL - when you download the database, the default access level is Manager, with the [admin] role... this will need to be changed so that the users do not have the [admin] role.

The views in the database are numbered to match these steps:

1. Import people from the Address Book

2. Send out emails to users requesting they update their details

3. Once details have been completed, update the Address Book

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