


Crossware has upgraded our Portal to provide an improved user experience.

To help with this process we have used a new Azure Application ID which does not require Global Admin rights to accept the permissions before users can log into the portal.

Our existing application keys which allows our SMTP servers access to user information have not changed and still need permissions which can only be granted by a Global Administrator.

For a new user, we initially only request the minimal set of permissions to allow a user to login to the portal and start the onboarding process. 

To allow additional features, such as selecting users/ groups in the new Feature Flags, we require additional permissions that only a Global Administrator can grant.

For new customers, both the Portal Application and SMTP Application keys need to be accepted during the onboarding process, this needs to be done by a Global Admin.

For existing customers, when a Global Admin logs into the portal, they will be prompted to grant the Crossware Portal additional permissions.

Non-global admin users, can continue to use the portal even if the additional permissions have not been accepted.


Technical Information


SMTP Application : Required Permissions [Directory.Read.All] (Application)

Portal Keys (Initial) : [User.Read] (Delegated)

Additional requested Portal  permissions:  [Directory.Read.All]  (Delegated)

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