
Crossware Mail Signature is currently migrating its lookups from the older Azure AD Graph API to Microsoft Graph API
This change allows Crossware Mail Signature to access Exchange Online custom attributes.

To allow both endpoints (Azure AD Graph API & Microsoft Graph API) to co-exist during the migration, permissions will need to be granted for both. 

Existing Customers will be able to start using the new Microsoft Graph API endpoint by granting the new permissions when you see the following UPDATE REQUIRED... banner.
Select CLICK TO UPDATE (as below screenshot)

You will then be able to Accept the new permissions (as shown in below screenshot)

You can check which endpoint you are currently using by checking the About screen.

You will see one of these 3 values under Graph Endpoint:
1. Azure AD Graph API (Legacy)
2. Azure AD Graph API (Update Pending)
3. Microsoft Graph API 





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